Welcome to FHD’s 3rd annual event, Homeschooling for Free and Frugal Series! Click here to begin reading all of the new Homeschooling for Free and Frugal articles. This article is by contributor, Kirsten Joy Torrado
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Our day usually starts with breakfast, crunchy cereal and hot oatmeal. Then we curl up on the sofa with blankets in tow. The blankets are so hard to part with on crisp mornings when spring sun is shining but winter chill is still in the air.
Our mornings are slow and steady until everyone has adjusted to the new day. We usually start with Bible reading from one of our favorite children’s Bibles. When our boys were preschool age we used this one. Then when they got a bit older, I pulled this one off the shelf. It’s the same Bible that I had when I was a little girl, my 9 year-old cursive still etched inside the front cover.
My boys’ faces, when they saw my writing at their age, were filled with wonder and I think it made them feel oh-so-special that I was sharing a little piece of my childhood with them.
This year we have moved on to using Egermeier’s Bible Story Book. It has a great harmony of the gospels, from the miracles and healings to the parables and teachings, and makes a great read-aloud for my 7 & 9 year old.
Sometimes I think it’s easy to stress about which Bible to use, how to make plain and simple lofty and spiritual things, and we wonder if we need to buy a curriculum because we doubt our own adequacy as parents to teach our children these things. It can get really complicated really fast.
But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be. It can be as simple as opening a book and reading a story. That simple. And, in my book, simple is good.
After we finish our Bible story, I make a quick heart-application of the story based on what comes to my heart at the moment, nothing complicated or searched out in advance, just Spirit-led. God knows what my children need to hear and the truth is, if I am open to hear it in the moment, it will come through. Then, we say a quick prayer to start our day and I lay hands on each of them and bless them, speak words of affirmation over them, and thank God for his presence with us to help us in our day.
All of this in total takes about 10 minutes. It’s simple. Open book. Read. Bless. Pray.
But, it does teach my children from a young age about how to center their being on things above, at the start of their day. The truth is that on most days, it is my way of finding center too. Teaching spiritual things is simple…as simple as reading a story. It’s something every parent can do.
How do you teach Bible in your homeschool? Leave a comment below and share.
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