It’s a nice fall Saturday afternoon. Football season is in full swing. My fiancé and I sneak into his dorm parent’s apartment to watch the OU (Oklahoma for clarification) football game. They are huge fans as are we, so we got front row seats on the cushy couch and FREE food to boot! WOW was […]
Easy Homeschool Meals: Slow Cooker Ham and Hashbrowns
When our first oven went out (the one that came with our house), I was L-O-S-T…lost. I had just begun to really start cooking and I was actually enjoying it, and *poof* out it went. The oven would not light. Thankfully, I could still use the stove. But, that really put me in a bind. […]
Easy Homeschool Meals: Gluten Free Leftover Turkey Bake
About 5 years ago, the Hubster found a Maple Butter Turkey recipe he wanted to try. Having never made a turkey myself, coupled with my aversion to raw meat of any kind (that’s a long story), my Grandma came over and taught him how to clean and cook the turkey. Then, she taught him how […]
Slow Cooker Meal: Easy Gluten-Free Garlic Beef Stew
Hello Free Homeschool Deals readers!! I’m so excited to be a part of this new and exciting team. I can’t wait to share some of our favorite and easy meals with you all. We are a newly gluten-free house, so most of the recipes I share on here will be gluten-free or easily adaptable to […]