This post is from contributor, Megan Zechman.
Ahhh, summer. No more worksheets or tests. A relaxed schedule and endless hours to do whatever you want. Fun in the sun!
Pure bliss, right?
Only until you hear the first, “I’m bored!”
One way to beat summertime boredom is to plan ahead.
Consider putting together a box that’s chock-full of exciting activities, so when you’re faced with another never-ending day, you’ll have a bunch of ideas, right at your fingertips – a summer fun box.
You’ll need:
- an empty shoe box or container
- items to decorate the box (construction paper, glitter, stickers, glue, etc.)
- a pack of multi-colored index cards
Gather the family together and decorate the container.
Then it’s time to brainstorm! Write down what everyone would like to do over the next couple of months, creating three separate lists.
Each suggestion should fall into one of these three categories:
1. Easy and Inexpensive (things that can be completed at a moment’s notice)
- build a fort
- fly a kite
- go on a nature walk
- go to the park
- have a water balloon fight
- play a board game
- stay up late stargazing
- take a family bike ride
2. Middle of the Road (activities that take a bit of planning and might cost some money, but are still pretty easy to put into action)
- bake something together
- create some chalk art
- go bowling
- learn to juggle
- make a video
- see a movie
- start a nature journal
3. Special Days (a couple of trips which will take more time and money to complete)
- go to a theme park
- spend a night at the beach
- take a camping trip
The bulk of your brainstorms should be easy and inexpensive.
Narrow down your list by deciding, as a family, which ideas to keep.
Write each one down on an index card (give each category a separate color) and add them all to your decorated container.
Now, when you’re looking for something to do or the kids say, “I’m bored,” bring out the fun box and pull out one of the cards!
How do you beat summer boredom in your house?
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[…] Do you have a plan for when you hear the first “I’m bored” of the summer?Why not create a Summer Fun Box? I’ve shared how easy it is over at Free Homeschool Deals. […]