This post is from contributor Heather Haupt
The kids are down for the evening–reading or {hopefully} falling asleep–as I head out for an evening stroll. I do that a lot when there is a change of seasons. It is a time to reflect, pray, plan. And in the summertime this reflecting on the past and planning for the future kicks into high gear.
As a homeschool mama, I face a new year. In this era of homeschooling there is a dizzying array of options and it is easy to get lost before you’ve even started… But life is too short to muddle around. We get to disciple, nurture and educate these precious children of ours for such a short time before we launch them out into the world.
If we want to live intentionally, we need a plan and we need help from the Master Planner.
So where do you start planning for next semester, next year, their childhood, etc? How can you free yourself up to be intentional and focused? How can you take care to follow in the path that God has for YOU and YOUR family?
Here are three fundamentals that will help pave the way… PRAY, PLAN, PRIORITIZE!
Now while these three are key, I find that this is not a sequential 1, 2, 3 formula… In reality, it tends to look something like this in my life: Pray, Plan, Pray, Prioritize, Pray, Plan, Pray… Can anyone else relate?
“A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
So what does this look like?
Pray, pray, pray. With all of the options out there and each of our children having different needs, circumstances, giftings and callings it is VITALLY important that we bathe everything in prayer. I ask the Holy Spirit to give me supernatural direction. I ask Him to give me insight into each of my children – their spiritual needs as well as their academic needs.
I find that I pray and reflect when I’m out walking. Sometimes as the boys run ahead and explore, I find it easy to talk with the Lord about each of them. He usually gives me insight during these times too. We should be praying before, during and after the process of making plans for a new year.
Before I begin any detailed lesson planning for the following year, I always begin by writing down semester goals. I do this because it gives me a focus for each child. I find it helpful to do this twice a year. As a homeschooling parent, I address far more than just my children’s academic needs, so my goals for each child comprise the entire scope of their education (spiritual, character, academic, chores, and physical). I fill out the same chart at the start of each semester. It is my home-base from which all other decisions about our homeschooling spring.
Once I’ve written down overarching goals for the semester, I begin to evaluate the resources and opportunities that are available. What extra-curricular classes, field trips and enrichment activities do we want to try? What curriculum am I definitely using; what am I thinking about? For me, it is helpful to get it all down on paper. That way I can see at a glance what I have available and assess if there are any gaps or maybe notice that I’ve planned for too much. Nothing breathes defeat into your homeschool like a whole slew of curriculum purchased that you simply have no time to complete.
At this point in the planning process, I stop and PRAY again. “Here Lord are the opportunities. What do you want our family to pursue right now?” Each family is unique, every situation is different. Now is the time to prioritize and personalize! Ahhh, where homeschooling really shines! What fits with our family and individual goals? Is this the season to pursue this activity, subject, opportunity? My list of options is pruned and sometimes, different options are sought out.
And then it’s back to planning. I’ve prayed, have my big-picture plan and goals in place, and prioritized what is right for our family… Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty lesson planning! And thankfully, I have that ultimate list of free homeschool planning resources that Jamerrill gave us a few weeks ago!
So how do you go about planning for a new year?
Heather H
Latest posts by Heather H (see all)
- 10 Unexpected Benefits of Homeschooling from a Homeschool Graduate’s Perspective - August 1, 2018
- 3 Keys to Remember When Planning Your Homeschool Year - April 3, 2018
- Adding Story to Your Homeschool History Makes it Come Alive - July 14, 2014
- The Secret Ingredient Every Homeschool Should Utilize - April 16, 2014
- A Frugal Approach to Building Biblical Literacy - March 12, 2014
Great post!! Thank you!
These are some very important things to do as we head into the new school year. I use Connections Academy materials so they give me the basis for our lessons. However, that doesn’t regulate our schedule. Last year was pure craziness because we were juggling having Delbert in K5 (first official year for him) and also Zeva being a typical baby. This year, she’s a bit older, and Delbert is in real school (as I like to refer to 1st grade.) So, I have to figure out how to schedule everyone’s week/day to get it all done. Plus still have time to do my blogging related stuff. So, I’m doing a lot of praying on how we’re going to work it all out.
Thanks for sharing a lovely post with very important details. Walking definitely helps with planning and thinking!
This is totally out of context but.. I’m so inspired by all you women on here that share stories and posts and I can’t help but feel bad about my own life. How do you ladies do it so right? Have any of you godly women had to deal with a bumpy marriage or consequences from past mistakes..? I haven’t always been following Jesus so my past still haunts me with the consequences of stupid decisions that can’t be erased. I just hope that someone can give me some words of wisdom…
Oh Stephanie, We don’t do it all right. One of the things that homeschooling tends to put on full display is our flaws. You might not see them spelled out online, but our children get to see them – daily. It is humbling and painful sometimes, but God is always ever so faithful to work with us on those areas.
My mom struggled with anger. I still remember pushing her buttons one day when I was 9 or 10 and she responded by yelling at us. Mid-yell, she suddenly stopped and fled to her bedroom. When she didn’t return for a while, we tiptoed over to see what was going on. I’ll never forget what I saw that day… She was sitting on the other side of the bed, crying, praying and holding this card in her hand. Later, being the nosy first-born child that I was, I snuck back in to peak at that card. She actually had several cards with verses that she had personalized. Most dealt with anger. I cried. There was my mom – not perfect – but fervently seeking the help of a perfect God. I didn’t need perfection or the façade of such. I needed to see her engaging the battle, see her crying out to God and then watch Him at work in her life.
We each have trials, struggles, past memories or maybe even consequences from past decisions. But we serve a God who has overcome the world. He is the giver of peace, the forgiver and the one who changes us from the inside out.
When my demons raise their head and torment me, I cling to the following verses:
“Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” {Phil 3:13b-14} and Hebrews 12:1b-2, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Look to Jesus. When I keep my eyes on Him, He gives me peace in the midst of crummy circumstances and trials. When I dwell on my mistakes or struggle with guilt, I pull out my own cards and remind myself of the truth. You can too. You are a dear child of God. His Spirit dwell inside of you. It is a spiritual fight for sure and you must tenaciously hold to the truth of who you are in Christ – a new creation, redeemed. He is doing a new work in you.
YES, Crystal. I can totally relate.
I think of it a lot like juggling or working a puzzle. I know it all fits together – because God has ordained it, but sometimes you just need to prayerfully find the right pieces to create the picture of what God has for each of our individual families!
Oh, sweet lady! I do NOT have it all together. Each and every night you will find me on my knees asking for His grace and mercy. Blogging is difficult because readers are only seeing a smal glimpse of our days. As much as we try to be open and transparent, you still can’t fully see our bad days and trust me, there ARE bad days.I am far from perfect. I yell at my children and take them for granted much too often. I am married to an unbeliever and fail daily to show him Christ. But, I am redeemed by the King who makes all things new and he isn’t done with me yet. He isn’t done with you either. Keep going, Mama. You are making a difference!
It’s so easy to make everything look glossy and perfect online. But Heather is right — we all have our own struggles with sin. I know that in my own life, I daily battle selfishness, impatience and an ungrateful spirit. It’s so easy to walk in the flesh.
When I am battling my own heart, I like to remember Ephesians 6:10-18 says:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints…
This life will always be a battle, Stephanie. It’s hard. Sometimes we are bloodied. Sometimes we bear scars or even open wounds as a result of our own sins. Yet we can be certain that if we wear the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation (which are only given to those who call on the name of the Lord!), and if we take up the Word of God (our sword!), we will be victorious.
Victory doesn’t always look like victory. Yet, if we are faithful to God one more day, that’s an amazing victory. If we love our children today, if we lay down our lives in sacrifice by teaching them about Jesus, that’s victory. And if we serve God by loving our husbands with our whole lives… even through the rockiness, that’s victory.
Here’s my motto: Love them and point them to Jesus. If we can love our kids and our spouses and if we can point them to Jesus, we’ve done well. (I don’t point my husband to Jesus by leading, but by following. By loving and serving him well.)
I am so glad you have decided to follow Jesus. It’s not an easy road. But, He is faithful to carry us when we seek Him. I’m glad, too, that you’re joining all of us here at Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling. These posts are meant to encourage and support you. They’re meant to cause you to think. They are never meant to condemn. Romans 8:1 says: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” I’d like to encourage you to read all of Romans chapter 8 each day this week. May God’s Word be a blessing to your spirit.
~ Danika
Thank you so so much … I’m very thankful for your words. I get very discouraged sometimes especially having 3 little ones (4, 3, & 1) and expecting baby #4.. i feel like i will never get it together. I have remember to remember who my God is and that he is in control.
These other ladies have given you wonderful advice. I just wanted to add that I am so far from having it all together. Honestly – I am a mess of grace…continually crawling back to the foot of the cross. I struggled with letting go of past mistakes for a long time, but then God began to speak to me and show me what forgiveness really means. Your past is in the past. Clinging on to things that happened years ago is like telling God that the price Jesus paid wasn’t enough. If He {the perfect lamb of God} can forgive you – then certainly you can forgive yourself. Give yourself some grace, sweet sister.
As for your marriage – I obviously do not know the specifics, but I would encourage you to speak good and speak life over your marriage. God wants to restore your marriage. He makes all things new. One of my favorite passages is Isaiah 43:18-20…
““Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
The wild animals honor me,
the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland,
to give drink to my people, my chosen”
Tomorrow is a new day. Praying for you.
— Emily
Stephanie – I haven’t read the other replies to your comment yet (but I plan to), because I wanted to jump right in and respond to you because it just broke my heart to read that you feel bad about your life; you are a child of GOD, HE made you and HE loves you! Always remember that! We all make mistakes, we all sin, no one is perfect and no one has it right all the time.
This blog is meant to encourage its readers, but that doesn’t mean its writers never need encouraging either; we have bad days, we make mistakes, we have pasts that we would like to forget.
Now that you are walking with Christ, you are a new creation!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
I struggled for quite some time with a past that I’d just rather forget! Now, when I’m reminded of that old life, I praise God – praise Him that He brought me out of the pit that I was in!! If you are struggling with past sin, just remember that when Jesus died on the cross for you, so did your sins. My old pastor once gave a beautiful picture of what He did on that cross – imagine all your sins written on a piece of paper and that paper is in Christ’s hand nailed to the cross; as His blood drips from His hand, His blood drips and runs down that paper and covers all your sins and makes them disappear! I have chills just thinking about that because we don’t deserve that, but He forgives us freely when we surrender our life to Him and make Him our Lord and Savior. Sometimes it’s hard to wrap our human brains around that, but it’s True, and we can take comfort in knowing that.
So don’t think for one minute that all of us here have it all together, because we don’t! And it’s okay for us, and you, and all the other readers out there to NOT have it all together! God doesn’t want us to have it all together, because if we did, we wouldn’t need Him!
I’m so glad you are here, a reader, and I’m so glad you commented!
Praying and hoping that you feel God’s love wrapped around you!
Stephanie, please know that I don’t do it all right. Much of what I write about actually stems from NOT doing it right and needing to constantly re-learn things that God has been trying to teach me for years. My life is messy this very second and any good in it, anything ‘right’ that I do, is by His grace alone. I am so thankful for the saving grace of Jesus and that He is always there waiting when i crawl back to Him to hand over my life again, when I’ve run forward with it ahead of His plans. We all have different gifts and talents and remember that many of us are also in a different ‘season of life’ than you are. To answer some of your questions, yes, I have dealt with a bumpy marriage…and it’s often my own doing. I also am stil suffering consequences from past mistakes. Even though we are forgiven we still must deal with the troubles we often cause for ourselves. This is why we need Jesus. He carries us through, wipes away our tears, and always gives us hope with His love and promises. I’m so glad you are inspired by what you read here. I am also inspired by the ladies here and their wise words! God has a plan for each one of us and if we are patient and look to Him for everything He will show us His plan in His timing. Keep looking to Him and only compare yourself to the image He wants to see you reflecting, not to any one of us! And I must work each day to take my own advice, as I know how easy it is to fall into the comparison trap. 🙂 Wishing you many blessings as you mother your precious little ones!
Thank you. I do get very discouraged.. very often. I will take your advice and read Romans this week. Honestly, I really struggle to manage everything ;my time, time with God, house, organization, kids, husband, starting preschool @ home for the first time next month.. I truly am a mess and that’s not what I want for my life or my children. I will make an effort to read Romans this whole week. I know once i get into the habit, I won’t be able to stop. Because I need HIM !
Thank you! I am so glad you ladies commented back 🙂 it’s nice to hear all that positive encouragement.. I don’t talk much (or at all) to any girls or women that could understand me, being that I’m only 23 married with 3 kids and one on the way, I don’t have anyone to talk to about these things except my mom (she’s great.btw). It really is nice to read all of your comments thanks a lot. I have to remind myself that I am forgiven and I need to carry my cross and follow Him. It just feels like I have nothing at all together, everyday. I feel like my life is a mess. I have good days where I feel like I can conquer the world but I end up back at “I’m a mess”
Blessings to you Stephanie!
And kudos for begin brave enough to admit where you are weak. We are all weak sister…turning wildly to grace to reach down, scoop us up, and make us different than we are.
Thank God there is hope for women like you and me, right!? Oh, yes…we are all a mess, and God already knows it. He isn’t surprised, repulsed, or offended by our mess-ups. He IS about growing us, changing us. But He does it day-by-day, step-by-step.
I believe He asks for our faithfulness, not our perfection. Stay faithful…each day starting new in Him and giving it over to Him moment by moment. These are full days of little ones and so much responsibility for you! I stopped to pray for you today, and I’ll keep it in mind.
We’re all attempting faithful living here, even with the big and little messes we make of things. You’re in GREAT company! 🙂
Oh my, I was in your shoes a few years ago (except I wasn’t expecting #4 yet). You are in a crazy season of life. Beautiful, magical, exhausting and crazy. I wish I could have you over for a cup of tea. Our kids could play and we could talk. You can do this! Parenting wise, you are in a very challenging season that takes all of your strength and focus. It gets easier.
I remember calling my mom one day when I had a 5, 3 and 2 year old. I exuberantly told her how much I loved homeschooling, but then in a quasi-sinister tone, declared that I’d like to put the {busy, aka destructive} toddler in daycare. I cried, then we laughed and somehow I survived that season. Somehow? No, I know exactly how… I took it one day at a time and God’s grace was there for each step of the way. I didn’t have extra grace for future days, but He provided enough for that day. Hugs.
I really enjoyed this post. It reminded me of the importance of sitting down and really listening what God wants for my daughter. He knows the year ahead better than I do. I will be implementing what I’ve read. 🙂