Don’t forget to download your free copy of the free ebook Homeschooling for Free and Frugal | Saving Money for the Homeschool Life!
How many times have you heard a homeschool family say that they homeschool for free or nearly free? Have you ever wondered how do they do that? Well, let me share with you a few tips on how you too can plan a free or nearly free homeschool year.
1.) Sit down with all of your kids, either together or separately, and brainstorm for things that they want to learn about. Decide beforehand what is negotiable and what is not. While brainstorming make a list. {I have my reluctant writers write their own lists.} Make sure you cover the topics and subjects that you and your kids are interested in. Then have your children pick their top three. Keep these lists for future deals and freebies that come up. Grab and download freebies that bloggers and websites offer when you see something from your list or you know you might use – you will use them eventually {don’t just Pin the “limited time freebies” – these will be gone when you go back}. Sign up for services like DropBox if you need more online storage space.
2.) Find some free planning sheets that will work for your family. Also, check out this Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Organization for some very helpful links. And also check out Donna Young’s Homeschool Printables. Plan out and organize your homeschool for easier record retrieval and for a less stressful homeschool journey.
3.) Check your local library for books {including textbooks} that cover the subjects and topics you are planning on learning. Our local library has a program where we can request books from all across the state. I’ve borrowed textbooks (ei. Story of the World and others) that I wanted to try and/or only use for a short period of time. Make sure your library knows that you are homeschoolers – some libraries offer us added benefits, like more check-out time and/or more allotted books. Most times this helps keep the late fees down. 😉
4.) Use resourceful free and frugal homeschooling websites, like,,, A2Z Homeschool, Homeschool Freebie of the Day, Freebies at, and of course Gricefully Homeschooling, some of which show you where the freebies are located. Make sure you subscribe to their emails so that you don’t miss the best goodies – especially those limited time ones. On my blog, Gricefully Homeschooling, another blogger and I each have a free homeschool item on the first Friday of every month. We call this Homeschool FreeBEE Fridays. {Remember what I said in #1 – download ASAP!}
5.) Enter homeschool giveaways on blogs, websites, Facebook, and at social media parties. Often homeschool blogs and curriculum websites offer giveaways so you can win products and homeschool supplies {a link to a how-to on my blog}. You’d be surprised to hear how much stuff my family has won. But I’ve entered in many more giveaways that I didn’t win. You can’t win if you don’t enter! So, enter those giveaways of products/services that you know you will use. Looking for giveaways? Check out Homeschool Giveaways. I, also host giveaways on my blog, as does many other bloggers.
6.) If you have to buy something, then be sure to check around for the best deal on what you are after. Print out this free Homeschool Curriculum Price Comparison Sheet, to help you keep track of where you saw the best deals. Wait for a discount, or a free shipping coupon code, if you can. If you can really wait, then Black Friday is when homeschool curriculum is super cheap {a really big day for saving period}. Don’t always just buy straight from the manufacturer, because that’s not always the best price.
Lastly, ask local homeschool families if you can borrow homeschool curriculum that they are not using. Most people hold onto their used curriculum, that they love, for younger siblings but may not use it every year. Or split the cost of some curriculum with a neighbor and share it. Also, sometimes you can just ask for what you would like to use and people will just give it to you. Can’t hurt to ask around!
Don’t know many local homeschoolers? Then look for groups on Facebook or in Yahoo Groups. If you cannot find one, then start one! I am sure many local homeschoolers will be glad that you did. Also, a great way to find support.
Jen G. loves to encourage homeschool families over at Gricefully Homeschooling. She homeschools her 9 year old son and her 16 year old daughter, with a Biblical Homeschool Philosophy (solid foundation), while also dealing with a chronic illness. In her spare time, she likes to read, cook, organize her new home in the country, and follow Jesus. (Not in that order.) You can find Jen on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, G+.
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