Creation? Who cares?
By Felice Gerwitz
Truthfully? Sometimes you barely can get through the day, the least of your problems is whether or not you kids know that God created the world as it says in the book of Genesis and science points to a Creator God.
Right? Or is it important?
I know that the children may be able to point out Noah and the Ark (the cutsie one with the giraffes coming out the roof) or they can sing, “Who built the ark? Noah! Noah!” But, as they get older what will they say when they are continuously bombarded by morally offensive material that comes from a thought process that is totally devoid of God? When you throw out Genesis 1:1 you throw out many of the logical processes as well. Science does not show that evolution is fact, contrary to what the media says. As Christians we do not fear science, in fact much of science shows the orderliness of God!
I found that the answers are in Genesis, as well as permeated in the Scriptures. Jesus himself pointed to the scriptures that spoke of the creation of the earth, over and over again. Why do I care? Because, during my time as an author and a publisher I have been accused, criticized and mocked because I believe in the Bible as it is written and as a truth! I care so much that I host the first ever virtual conference, the Creation Expo at my site,
Still not convinced? Listen to my personal testimony here- Creation Matters
You are welcome (and bring the kids!) to join us for free, live! Get ready to dive into the science behind creation. Here you will find practical, real-life, proven tips, techniques for homeschooling your child with a creationist perspective! You will be blessed not only by scientists and educators but by homeschool moms, such as Felice Gerwitz, your host, who has studied the topic for years and designed curriculum around it. Best of all, this set is included in our bundled year-round expo! Listen live or listen On-Demand on your time. You will have access to the information to use again and again. Want to download all the audios to listen again, on demand? Subscribe Here!
Remember, when you attend any of our live expo events (free and open to all) you will be blessed with a chance to enter our giveaways! We are giving away expo tickets (we refund if you’ve already purchased one!) and we’ll be giving away books, creation online classes and a big-prize, a full curriculum from one of our speakers! Join us and bring a friend! I can’t wait to meet you!
Felice Gerwitz is a homeschool mom, author and publisher ( who loves the Lord and brings homeschool mom exciting events all year long! Her expo events are attended by homeschool moms from around the world. Felice hosts MommyJammiesNight one time per month on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET.
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